
Steel pretreatment line manufacturers: how to conduct shot blasting machine operation compound use specifications


Steel pretreatment line manufacturers: how to conduct the shot blasting machine operation compound use specifications
Shot blasting machine operation process in the fully automated industrial era has actually not required too much operator involvement in the process, through CNC machine tool technology for computer terminal operation will be able to a large extent to the overall operation of the processing process has an intuitive and comprehensive understanding, and in the process of processing, the operator can simultaneously monitor multiple production lines to ensure the further improvement of production efficiency. But this also needs to be done under the premise of ensuring the use of composite specifications, after all, safety production is the primary position.
Generally speaking, the operation of the shot blasting machine needs to have a preliminary understanding of the use of various parts of the state, can see from the machine response to the condition of the use of the effect of whether the need for maintenance, and in the polishing process should always pay attention to the filling of steel sand and for the workpiece processing conditions to what extent whether the need for adjustment, so as to ensure that the processing effect, while in the maintenance or adjustment needs to be close to the operation Space, be sure to cut off all power to avoid safety accidents.


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